Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox Appending Text To Filenames

Cloud technology has become an everyday part of our life. Cloud has become an essential part of many businesses that rely on it to store their everyday data and access it through different devices from one department to another.

Cloud has its own advantages. It improves the efficiency of organizations and provides real-time access to data between multiple employees and teams. The data can be accessed anytime, anywhere regardless of the time, location or the device.

It’s simple to store data on the cloud rather than setting up a data server at the organization’s premises. The organization doesn’t need to employ a dedicated workforce for regular maintenance, repair and operations of the data servers. Not only is it economic, but also provides a higher level of privacy & security. Major cloud service providers provide end-to-end encryption to protect your data from hackers and cyber criminals.

Benefits of Renaming Files

It’s a good practice to regularly rename files on the cloud. It offers several advantages.

Renaming Files on Cloud

While bulk renaming files on the computer can be a handy task, things become difficult when your files are stored on the cloud. If you’re regularly using a cloud service such as Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox to store your data, there’s no easy way. This is because your cloud service provider does not provide any inherent functionality or tool to batch rename the files. You’ll need to manually download all your data to your PC and then bulk rename the files.

Thankfully, things have changed now. With the release of a secured third-party file renaming service Cloud File Renamer, you can rename all your files on the fly without needing to download them to your PC. Moreover, Cloud File Renamer (CFR) provides 10+ file renaming rules to make the renaming easier. CFR saves your valuable time and Internet bandwidth by allowing you to perform the renaming operations straight from your Web browser.

Appending Text to File Names Using Cloud File Renamer

There are times when you will want to append text to file names (before extension). For example: You may have hundreds of PowerPoint presentations with fixed file name formats and incremental numbers such as-

In each case, there is a common word across all the files (“Client Presentation“). Maybe you want to append text to file names before the extension. The new file names will be-

Curious how to append text to your cloud files? Let’s get started.


  1. Visit the Cloud File Renamer website and sign-up. Account creation process is free-of-cost.
  2. After signing up, verify your email by clicking the verification link.
  3. Click on Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox icon depending on which account contains your files.
  4. Click on Add New Drive and sign in to your account.
  5. If your account is protected with 2-Factor Authentication, you may want to enter the requested OTP.
  6. Once done, the folders in your cloud account shall appear on the left-hand side panel.
  7. Check one or more folders and click on the Load Files button.
  8. In the right-hand side panel, you’ll get the containing files list.
  9. Check the files you want to rename.
  10. To append text to file names, choose the “Insert at” renaming rule from the drop-down box.
  11. Type the new word you want to insert (for example, – John) and the character position (for example, 21).
  12. Click on Add Rule.
  13. Similarly, you can add multiple rules simultaneously, if required.
  14. You can see the new file name previews in real-time before making any changes.
  15. To proceed, click on the Rename button.

Cloud File Renamer Features:

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